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New data highlight 'Unravelling the assembly of the mitoribosome' added

July 7, 2022
news-2022-07-07 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
Small mitoribosomal subunit (Credit; Verena Resch).

Check out the latest data highlight added to the SciLifeLab Data Platform. This highlight, entitled ‘Unravelling the assembly of the mitoribosome’, relates to a recent publication by Itoh et al. (2022). The study uses cryo-electron microscopy to understand the mechanisms underlying mitoribosomal assembly.

It is the first data highlight to be drafted by one of the corresponding authors of the original paper - in this case, senior author Prof. Alexey Amunts. If you’re interested in writing a data highlight to promote data-driven life science research that you’ve been involved in, please complete the form in our data highlights section, or email us at