Platform news

Announcements about the SciLifeLab Data Platform and services hosted on the Platform.

New feature added - Recent apps deployed on SciLifeLab Serve displayed on homepage

September 2, 2022

We have added a new feature that is related to one of our services; SciLifeLab Serve. SciLifeLab Serve is a service for deploying apps (including Shiny and Dash apps) and serving machine learning models (Tensorflow and PyTorch serving). The service is currently in beta testing and is looking for test users.

You will find the 8 most recently deployed public apps at the bottom of the homepage on the SciLifeLab Data Platform. You can click on the app title to go directly to a specific app. Alternatively, you can go straight to SciLifeLab Serve itself to explore more public apps and models, as well as find out how to enquire about becoming a test user.