Platform news

Announcements about the SciLifeLab Data Platform and services hosted on the Platform.

Making it easier to find job/funding/project opportunities in data-driven life science.

January 20, 2023

You may have become familiar with our ‘Calls & Jobs’ section over the last few months. The section included funding calls, jobs, postdoc positions, PhD positions, and project opportunities related to data-driven life science. We’re now making it easier for you to find exactly what you’re looking for!

We’ve split ‘Calls & Jobs’ into two sections; ‘Jobs’ and ‘Funding calls’. In the Jobs section, you’ll find postdoc positions, BSc/MSc project opportunities, and other jobs in data-driven life science. Anyone that wants to promote a relevant position on the page is welcome to use the form on that page to get in touch (alternatively, you can email or In the Funding calls section, you’ll find direct links to funding opportunties from SciLifeLab, and potential other sources of funding for data-driven life science projects.

We’ve also added filtering to the Jobs section. This allows you to search for a given type of position (job/postdoc position/PhD position/project opportunity), and/or for positions with a given employer.

These sections are updated weekly (usually on Fridays), so it’s worth checking back regularly for new opportunities!

If you have any suggestions for improvements that can be made to any element of the SciLifeLab Data Platform, or recommendations for new sections/services that could be added, please get in touch.