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New DDLS Strategy launched

March 24, 2023

The strategy for the SciLifeLab and Wallenberg Netional Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS) has been updated. The corresponding strategy document is now publicly available.

It is clear that the future of science is becoming increasingly data driven, with the quantity and complexity of data seemingly ever-increasing. To meet the new challenges arising from this, the scientific community must gain more data analysis expertise and develop new capabilities. The DDLS encapsulates this in it’s vision ‘The future is data-driven’, and aims to equip the life science community of Sweden with the necessary skills and capabilities to enable them to thrive in this new scientific age.

The DDLS program was funded in late 2020 by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW), and is hosted primarily by SciLifeLab. It is a 12 year, 3.1 Billion SEK program. The program will recruit 39 DDLS fellows, 250 PhD students, and around 200 Postdocs.

This new long-term strategy reflects the plans for the next 10 years of the program. It was developed by the DDLS steering group, the eleven participating organisations (ten universities, Chalmers, GU, KI, KTH, LiU, LU, NRM, SLU, SU, UmU and UU, and the Swedish Museum of Natural History, NRM), as well as the SciLifeLab Board, SciLifeLab International Advisory Board (IAB), SciLifeLab Management Group, SciLifeLab Operations Office, SciLifeLab Data Centre, NBIS, and in communication with other KAW-funded research programs. Please see the official news release from Scilifelab for more.