Platform news

Announcements about the SciLifeLab Data Platform and services hosted on the Platform.

Launch of resources section

August 8, 2023

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new resources section. The aim of this section is to provide general information that could be of use for those working in data-driven life sciences in Sweden. This section currently includes introductory information about computing resources available in Sweden. In the coming months, we will also add information about storage resources available in Sweden, and how researchers can maximise their Altmetrics score. If you have any suggestions for other information that could be useful for data-driven life science in Sweden, please get in touch.

Our services section enables direct access to tools, datasets, and support functions (e.g. hosting services) available for use in data-driven life science in Sweden. Our new resources section differs because it is for information, rather than a specific service itself. However, the team at SciLifeLab Data Centre are happy to provide further support on the areas considered in this section, so please contact us with any questions.

This new section was initially introduced at our launch event back in May (the recording from the launch event is available at DOI:10.17044/scilifelab.23266088).