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New highlight details a workflow that could aid in future drug development

December 20, 2023
news-2023-12-20 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
Visual representation of the methods used in the laboratory. Figure 1A of Dahl et al 2023.

Our latest data highlight, entitled ‘research into the immunogenicity of GPCR epitopes to enhance future drug development’, is based on Dahl et al. (2023).

Proteins in the GPCR superfamily (heterotrimeric guanine-nucleotide-binding regulatory protein (G protein)–coupled receptors) are important in normal cellular physiology and intercellular communication. GPCRs are linked to multiple diseases and are the targets of many therapeutic drugs. Indeed, recently, biological drugs have been introduced that modulate GPCR function based on the binding of anti-GPCR antibodies. However, challenges remain with developing drugs based on GPCRs; there is high sequence similarity between GCPRs in the same subfamily, and anti-GPCR antibodies are crucial reagents in studies of GPCR biology and pharmacology. Dahl et al. (2023) developed a workflow to investigate GPCR immunogenicity. They have openly shared the data generated and created an R Shiny app to enable others to browse their data.

Read more in the Data Highlight: Research into the immunogenicity of GPCR epitopes to enhance future drug development. You’ll also see other highlights on related topics at the bottom of the article.

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