Addition of multiple services and databases relevant for data-driven life science
August 12, 2024
Multiple services have recently been added to our services list. This includes multiple open source services, such as Scout (a visualiser for variant call format (VCF) files), and Tomte (a pipeline to analyse RNA-Seq data from rare disease patients) from Clinical Genomics Stockholm. Multiple services from the Sonnhammer Bioinformatics Group were also added, including InParanoiDB (a protein ortholog database for over 640 species), and PathBIX (a web server for novel network-based pathway enrichment analysis).
For all services in our list, we provide a short summary on what the service does, as well as information on who manages the service, where to get support, and what ’type’ of service it is (e.g. tool, workflow). Our search function can be used to identify the services most relevant to you. All of these services are available for use by researchers and/or data producing facilities in Sweden, and involve SciLifeLab.
More databases have also been added to our data sources and repositories list. This list is continuously updated with data sources (places where users can download data) and repositories (places where users can potentially share data), in order to make data more findable, and to aid users in sharing data more openly.
If you have a tool, database, workflow, or other research resource that you would like promoted on the SciLifeLab Data Platform, get in touch!