Shape national data services in the Evolution and Biodiversity research area
August 28, 2024
SciLifeLab collaborates with specific partner organisations to organise work related to data services and bioinformatics support as part of The SciLifeLab and Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS). This work takes place at one of four Data Science Nodes. These four nodes, one for each of the scientific focus areas of the DDLS program, are located across Sweden. They comprise staff from the SciLifeLab Data Centre and NBIS (National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden). The staff are embedded in relevant environments at the hosting organisations, and are also integrated into the Data Platform and bioinformatics support teams, respectively.
The Data Science Node in Evolution and Biodiversity (DSN-EN), hosted by Uppsala University and the Swedish Museum of Natural History, is reaching out to the data-driven life science community to better understand their needs. In particular, they are seeking proposals for national data services required in the field of evolution and biodiversity. Data services included in the Data Platform will benefit from, among other things, significantly increased visibility, which could lead to greater opportunities for funding and collaboration.
To find out more about the application process and proposal requirements, please see the Inventory of National Data Service needs in the Evolution and Biodiversity research area document. The deadline for submission is September 15th, 2024, at midnight CET.