Storage resources available for researchers in Sweden
This page is intended to inform researchers in Sweden about the storage resources available to them and how to apply for access. If you are aware of resources not listed here, please get in touch.
Information about compute resources available to researchers based in Sweden is available separately on this site. On that page, we focus more on resources related to analysis and hosting.
Individuals representing multiple compute and storage resources held an event on the 8th September 2023 in order to provide more information to the community. The recording of this event is available on Youtube and the SciLifeLab Data Repository.
Resources at your University
Most of the resources described on this page are national and do not require that individuals have a given affiliation in order to make use of the resources. However, this is not true for resources available at a given university. Universities often have storage resources that are available for use by their researchers. It is possible that the easiest way for you to gain access to storage resources is by applying to access those at your university. The IT department of your university should be able to provide information about the resources available and how to access them. Below are links to information about the storage resources at some universities (please note that these external links are maintained at the discretion of the information provider):
National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden (NAISS)
NAISS is the successor to the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC), and it provides multiple storage resources. For example, NAISS Compute resources are associated with high-performance centre storage. This storage is intended for use with data that are a part of active compute projects. Other storage resources include Swestore and The Swedish Science Cloud. Swestore is a storage infrastructure that uses dCache. It is geographically distributed, comprising of resources in Umeå, Linköping, Gothenburg, and Lund. Historically, Swestore required certificates for access, but this requirement has been relaxed in recent years to make it easier to use. The Swedish Science Cloud offers S3-based storage in conjunction with cloud services.
Applications to use the NAISS resources should be submitted through the Swedish User and Project Repository (SUPR) Portal. Instructions for how to do this are provided in the Applying for resources via the SUPR Portal section below.
SciLifeLab Data Platform
SciLifeLab will provide access to storage resources at multiple locations across Sweden. These resources are funded by the SciLifeLab & Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS Program). For information about the storage resources that are currently available, please see the SciLifeLab FAIR Storage page. On that page, we provide all of the documents and guidelines you’d need to apply for and use this service.
The European Open Science Cloud
Information about EOSC storage services can be found in the EOSC Portal. The conditions for access and funding models differ across EOSC storage services, so users are encouraged to check these before applying for access.
Applying for resources via the SUPR Portal
The Swedish User and Project Repository (SUPR) Portal can be used to apply for access to storage resources, including those at NAISS and the SciLifeLab Data Platform.
In order to make an application, users must first register as a new user by selecting ‘Register New Person’ (see below).

After registering, you have to apply for a project. To do this, select ‘Rounds’, then ‘Storage Rounds’, and then choose an option most applicable to you.
Your application will then be evaluated. Smaller projects are evaluated on a technical basis, whilst larger projects also include a scientific evaluation.
When you application for resources is approved, you will need to apply for a user account on the compute resource to which your project has been assigned.

For further information please refer to the NAISS instruction pages.